Friday, October 17, 2008

Rebecca comes through...

It appears that Rebecca has been holding out and has just now come clean. Who knew? I for one have never seen these pictures before, what about you? Thanks for sharing with us all Rebecca, (I didn't really think you were holding out).


What's in a picture?

A little background... or rather the back of the picture. It reads in George's handwriting, "the day John left for the hosp.". Further writing has John singing his name, "John T Moore". I'm curious what the story is. I'm thinking maybe Nancy is pregnant with Rebecca?

Stop the press!!

OK... looks like we got some input from Rebecca since I sent out the last email. Here we have a photo that I've never seen before that I just love. What are they looking at? Will we ever know?


One roll of film

. we really did have chickens.

Andy is at the bottom right riding a tricycle.

The Well!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

George and more George...


George in the day...

George in the afternoon...

George in transition...

George at night!


Two Pictures for the Ages...


...beautiful, a must see for enlarging by clicking on picture to catch the qualities of black & white film.

Please take note of the candy strewn around Sam's feet. Must be Halloween time.
